It is seen that forestry topics can be
accommodated under 634.9 Forestry as well as under 333.75 Forest lands. This
division between the mother-lode under agricultural technology and the social
sciences in fact mirrors what is happening to the field of forestry itself: all
the shiny new book spines, like bright young research students, will flock to
the social science cabinets under 333.7, leaving the old dusty tomes to moulder
in 634.9 in the company of doddering old colonials and others of their ilk.
Probably this is one reason why 634.9 seems to have been abandoned by the folks
at Dewey, whereas other areas are constantly being developed and modified.
ODC had a separate primary number 6 which
encompassed Forest management, Business
economics of forestry, and Administration and organization of forest
enterprises. This sometimes looks like overkill, because there are just too
many detailed subject headings, apart from further choices under 7 Marketing of
forest products, etc., and 8 Forest products and their utilization, 9 Forests
and forestry from the national point of view, Social economics of forestry
(what we refer to in DDC 333.75).. Dewey seems in general to be more
circumspect in introducing subject headings, preferring entry numbers to cover
a well defined range of ideas, leaving it to standard subdivisions for finer
Thus, other standard DDC subdivisions can
be used as usual, for instance Forest terminology can be put under 634.9’014
using “standard subdivision” -014, Forest law can be put under -02 (i.e.,
634.9’02, though this seems to be “optional”, Dewey preferring the main number
340. The choice is between putting all the forestry books in one location, or
distributing them across the whole collection.
Obviously, a professional would prefer to collect the subject matter
volumes in one compact location. Other useful standard subdivision suffixes are
-07 Study and teaching, which can accommodate research methodology and institutions
(though not the results of research, which have to go under the appropriate
subject head), and of course -09 Historical and geographical treatment.
There is no separate number for policy in
DDC, we have to make do with 634.9 itself with geographical subdivisions -09,
or 333.75, with its special subdivisions. Or maybe stretching it, we could add
a standard subdivision -01 Philosophy and theory, whereas ODC has a choice of
subdivisions under primary class 9 or using “auxiliary numbers” -09 (which seems
to parallel the main number 9 itself!). ODC seems to have a number of very
similar subject headings, which makes it difficult to standardise.
My office library used the device of
classing forestry under DDC 634.9, and then subdividing by ODC, but after
trying this for some time, I was just not comfortable with this sort of
duality. I finally decided to switch over completely to DDC, forcing me to go
through some heroics to get specific topic headings using the Standard
In the course of my web browsing, I came
upon this resource for classification of forestry subjects: the IUFRO Global
Forestry Information Service GFIS, with the following id:
(accessed on 26 November 2004 (!). There is an Appendix 3-1 that gives a
breakdown of forestry by topic headings grouped by subject, e.g. Silviculture,
then Physiology and Genetics, Forest Operations, Inventory Growth Yield etc.,
and so on. There is a GFIS “Classification Scheme” that gives the “Forest
Decimal Classification” (FDC) that generally mirrors the Oxford classification
(ODC), with a proviso that this will later be “supplemented or replaced by
other schemes” such as Dewey. Most interesting for Dewey fans, there is a
section giving DDC equivalents for a selection of FDC numbers. The DDC numbers
suggested are scattered over a wide range of locations: e.g., 307 for Rural
development, 320 for Forest Policy, 330 for General forest economics,
Deforestation goes off to 363, and and so on; this will be most unsettling for
forest professionals, unless the idea is to prefix a 634.9 or a 333.75 in front
(which is not a permitted improvisation in Dewey, although concatenation of
numbers using the colon : is available in the Universal, UDC).
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